Saturday, February 2, 2008

View on Technology

Technology has always scared me. When I was told I needed to take a Educational Technology class, I shriked in horror. I am not a person that is very good with any kind of technology. I know how to write a paper, go on facebook, and play music. As you can tell I am not that up on technology. The one thing I can tell you is that I am very interested in technology, I know that it is all around me, so therefore I need to keep up with the times. I love to hear about all the technology devices that can be used in the classroom for technology purposes.

There is one thing that bothers me though. A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to my uncle and he asked me if I would play out in the snow when I was younger. I told him "of course, ever time it snowed me and my friends would go out sledding." He was telling me about how his kids, my cousins, don't like to do that. He said that they were always inside playing video games. Now my cousins are eight and ten and they are full of energy. The one thing that bothers me is that they spend all their energy on playing video games and none on physical activity. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with playing vidoe games, but when they would rather stay inside and play them all day this is when a problem may arise.

I believe technology is great in many ways, but I feel that it is to far advanced for chldren today. I feel that technology is good to help the students learn and communicate, but I just think it is all just advancing at such a high rate. Our world is extremely fast paced in everything we do.

1 comment:

Libby G. said...

Girl, I agree with the overusage of technology with children. Too much is not always a good thing. My brother is a prime example...hehe...he would get mad at me for this, but it's so true for alot of teens. My brother texts and chats on the computer wayy too much. He texts when we eat dinner, when we are out in the car etc. It's like he is always in constant contact with his friends. I can barely have a conversation with him. Technology is great for kids in the classroom. It helps enhance learning and keeps things interesting, but I agree with it becoming a not so good thing. The high school right by my house had students taking naked pictures of themselves on their phones. :( It spread all over the place and now the students are in trouble. I don't know. Great post girl...see you tomorrow!