Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I figured out that I love the smartboard. In class on monday, we went over the different things the smartboard can do. I think that it is amazing. I knew that it could do alot of things, but after class monday, my eyes were opened to a whole new world of possibilities. There are just so many different activities that can be done for each subject. My favorite part of the smartboard was the different things you could do with the states. I feel that it is very important for students to have a sense of where the states are in the United States. The activity where you had to fill in the location of the state and its name, was a great activity for students to figure where the states are according to where they live. Another activity I liked was the periodic table of elements. The game that they had with the timer was fun. I feel that kids will really like that game because it is like you are racing against time and it forces the students to learn the elements. I just hope that when I get into a classroom, it will have a smartboard so I can make the lesson more interesting.

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