Wednesday, April 23, 2008


In class today we learned about copyright. I never knew anything about copyright, I just thought it had to do with pictures and movies. I never thought that copyright had such strict rules. I thought that it only had to do with coping and using different pictures and movies. Boy was I wrong!!! Now as I think back on my elementary years, I realize that there were alot of things that were done with movies that were not suppose to be done, well I don't feel that they had permission. I remember always watching movies the day before a break, and I know they had nothing to do with the curriculum. I must have watched Christmas with the Kranks like five or six times. I remember the one thing that I did realize was wrong was in sixth grade. We went to Philly for a field trip, and one of the students bought a bootleg off the streets of Star Wars. My sixth grade teacher let us watch it in class. Now I know that was not right haha.
I feel that people don't go against the rules of copyrighting things, its more about the fact that that they don't know about the things they can and can't do. I know that there are many things that people don't know because I feel that they are not stressed enough.

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