Thursday, April 17, 2008

Power Point

This week we had to do a powerpoint presentation. I loved doing this project beacuse it made me become familiar with powerpoint. I thought I knew how to use it, but in reality I was still a little confused. I had trouble with getting fraction bars into my presentation and then I couldn't figure out how to get the information to come in at different times. It took me awhile but I did figure it out.
The presentations we had so far were so good. I loved the idea that they used it as a review for a test. They also used it as a game where they could click on the word and figure out if it was right or wrong. That was a great idea because they are able to be interactive in the lesson. Many times teachers can bore you with a powerpoint lesson. I know that I had many teachers in high school that would just read directly off the slides and they were very monotonic so the class lasted for ever.
If I was to do it again I would make my powerpoint more interactive. I would have the students more involved. I felt that my powerpoint was not up to the level it should have been. I caught myself getting into the habits of my old teachers and reading off the slides. Now that I saw some of the other powerpoint presentations I am going to go back and figure out how they played the games and the reviews. Also I learned that I have to talk slower, and go through the information more slowly. Just because I understand it doesn't mean that everybody else does.

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