Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Ok so I went home for spring break and I was talking to my cousins about school. My little cousin was telling me about how she loves to beat this litle boy on the computer by playing a math game. She was telling me that she had to enter a password to compete against the other boy, but he wouldn't let anybody tell her the password because she was the only one that could come close to beating him.I thought that was so cute. Then I went on to ask her if the computers were in the back of the room, but she gave me this smart alaic "no". She told me they all had laptops at their desks. I was in utter shock. Then she came came back to say that they had to share them sometimes. I was like OMG. When I was in grade school I had computers, but they were so old and there was only one or two in a classroom. I guess its a new generation. I have to get up with the reality of technology in classrooms lol. The other fact that I was shocked at was that she is only in 3rd grade, so I could only imagine the technological tools they have in the high school! I feel like that if I had more training in elementary school, I would be more prepared for this technology boom lol.

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