Monday, March 10, 2008


I loved that we had to make a website for class but I had a hard time finding a site that was easy for me to use. I first tried weebly and that was so bad.Then I tried bravenet and that was even worse. They both had templates for websites but I couldn't figure out how to use them or even change anything in them. I was like thank God when I found freewebs. That site was so easy and fun to use. When I was making my website for class, I just wanted to make a website about so many things. They had such great templates to choose from that were so cute. When making this website I felt like I actually knew what I was doing on the computer and doesn't happen very often haha. I feel like I am getting better at this whole technology thing.
In class today I loved the clickers. When we were using them, all I could think about was that I wanted to use them in one of my lessons for a methods class. I feel that not a lot of students used them before and it would be a great way to assess the students before a test. I could even make it into a game for the students. I feel that they would love it because it is something new and they don't have to be afraid to answer in class anymore because nobody knows who answered what. I am just so excited to use them in the classroom.

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